If you can read this, either your browser does not support cascading style sheets, or, more likely, the National Capital FreeNet, whose Web server hosts the graphics and style sheet for this blog, is down. Sacra Eloquia is still readable, only it isn't as pretty. For the latest blog posts, just scroll down past all the menu information.
"Thus in the Sacred Eloquence we read both, 'His mercy goes before me,' and also, 'His mercy shall follow me.' It predisposes a man before he wills, to prompt his willing. It follows the act of willing, lest one's will be frustrated." - Augustine of Hippo
Unless indicated otherwise, Scripture taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
mcclare @ ncf · ca
Yes, this blog is still alive.
I have been concentrating my blogging recently on The Crusty Curmudgeon, and offline, I've been doing some teaching efforts for my church's Sunday school.
Those lessons will be posted at one blog or the other, and a new installment of my Galatians series is in the works. I promise.
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